In Gaza, children waste away under the helpless gaze of their parents

Said Darwish is 10 months old. When he cries, he no longer has enough strength to make a sound. His eyes are sunken and his face is extremely pale. He has not had enough to eat for weeks. The northern Gaza Strip is once again affected by shortages of food, water and baby milk, consequences of the Israeli army siege and the ongoing bombings. Said is one of the many Palestinian children who are declining day by day because of hunger.

According to doctors at Kamal Adwan Hospital in the city of Beit Lahiya, Said suffers from asthenia, abnormal weight loss and anemia. His father, Khalil, is at his bedside and anxiously awaits an improvement in his son’s condition; he feels helpless in the face of his suffering.

“My son cries from hunger every night, but I have nothing to give him to eat,” explains Khalil. “All I find are pieces of bread, and even that is getting less and less.”

Khalil fears that Said will join the growing list of Palestinian children who have died of malnutrition and dehydration in recent months. There are about 30 of them so far.

In March, northern Gaza was facing the threat of famine. Today, according to the WHO, “an important part” of the population of Gaza

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+972 Magazine ()

+972 Magazine is a website launched in 2010 by a group of Israeli, Palestinian and North American journalists, bloggers and photographers. Their goal is to provide unprecedented coverage of events taking place in Israel and the Occupied Territories. The site aims to be a platform for sharing current events, analysis and videos. The collective’s name is inspired by the telephone code common to Israel and the Palestinian Territories. On the site, the contributors state that “(Their) collective is committed to human rights and freedom of information. (They) (are) opposed to the occupation (of the Palestinian Territories by Israel).”

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