In Kenya, chaos in Parliament: Generation Z is on fire

“Chaos shakes Kenya”, summed up everyday life Nation Tuesday June 25, late in the afternoon, as clashes increased across the country. The movement led by Kenyan youth, until now peaceful, to protest against new taxes deemed “punitive”, took a new turn this Tuesday, as demonstrators stormed Parliament after the adoption by the National Assembly of the finance law which crystallized the anger of the streets.

According to the local daily The Starwhich follows the events live, protesters entered the building and set part of it on fire as riot police fired. “Screams ‘wasaliti, wasaliti’ (‘traitors, traitors’) echoed in the air, as demonstrators broke through a police barricade, set fire to a law enforcement truck and damaged a section of the Parliament fence,” tells the daily story.

“At least three bodies outside”

According to the media, demonstrators were hit by police fire while the deputies were taken to safety. “Reporters saw at least three bodies outside the compound where police opened fire”, reports the American press agency Associated Press, which recalls that two people have already been killed during the demonstrations last week. One person was also reportedly injured by a shooting in Mombasa, in the east of the country, according to Nation.

In the wake of the assault on Parliament, several media report that the Nairobi town hall was also set on fire. In Eldoret, in the Rift Valley, a court, houses and cars were burned, and a club

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