Bolsonaro’s son accused of wanting to privatize beaches in Brazil

Famous for its vast expanses of fine sand stretching along some 7,500 kilometers of coastline, Brazil is being rocked by a controversial constitutional revision project, which could complicate free access to beaches for the public.

Approved in 2022 by the Chamber of Deputies and brought to the upper house by Flávio Bolsonaro, eldest son of ex-far-right president Jair Bolsonaro, the text concerns maritime lands: strips 33 meters wide going from the sea ​​– at high tide – towards the continent.

According to the legislation in force since 1988, these maritime lands belong to the federal government. Its occupation by individuals, businesses or factories is subject to payment of an annual tax. The text currently being debated – and which the government of left-wing President Lula opposes – provides for part of these zones to pass into the hands of regional authorities, municipalities and the private sector.

Enough to provoke the revolt of environmental defenders, for whom the project “could lead to serious environmental and social damage”, reports the site Metropolises.

Towards “self-destruction”

Cited by the title, the director of the department of oceans and coasts within the Ministry of the Environment aver

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