“Death to the Arabs”: in Jerusalem, the “March of Flags” spares neither civilians nor journalists

Thousands of Israelis took part in the “March of the Flags” on Wednesday, June 5, through the Old City of Jerusalem, some attacking Palestinian merchants and journalists, others chanting hateful slogans, as part of an annual demonstration marking the occupation of East Jerusalem by Israel following the Six-Day War in June 1967.

This year’s march took place amid heightened tensions between Israelis and Palestinians as more than 1,100 Israelis were killed in the attacks perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 and that the Jewish state is pursuing a revanchist war against Gaza, which has so far left more than 36,000 dead.

Like every year since 1968, the parade was punctuated by violence, racist slogans and provocative acts, deplore several media outlets.

“A few hours before the official start of the parade, hundreds of young men marched through the Muslim quarter of the old city chanting Death to the Arabs’ and have violent

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