
Dogecoin vs. Bitcoin: Even the founder of DOGE prefers Bitcoin

A lively debate has once again arisen in the crypto industry, this time around the question: Is Dogecoin better than Bitcoin? The discussion took a surprising turn following the response of a major and important figure with a reputation in the Dogecoin community.

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How it started

The debate was sparked by @cb_doge, a well-known designer within the Dogecoin team. He posted a simple poll on social media: “Dogecoin > Bitcoin?” This question led to a flood of responses from both supporters and opponents.

Unexpected response from the founder

The discussion took an unexpected turn when Billy Markus, co-founder of Dogecoin, entered the debate. His position surprised many: “I would honestly rather have 1 bitcoin than 1 dogecoin.” This statement surprised many Dogecoin supporters, who had expected a more loyal attitude.

Modest crypto holdings

Markus also revealed that his own crypto holdings are quite modest. He owns just 0.006 BTC and a small amount of Dogecoin. This is in stark contrast to the image many people have of crypto founders as multi-millionaires.

What does this mean for the future?

This candor of Markus raises interesting questions:

1. How does the founder’s opinion affect trust in Dogecoin?

2. What does this say about the value of Dogecoin compared to Bitcoin?

This debate shows how complex the relationships in the crypto world can be. Even within projects, opinions can vary widely, and perhaps this is a good thing. For investors, this underlines the importance of critical thinking and not blindly following hypes or opinions.

As the debate rages on, one thing remains clear: in the world of digital assets, nothing is black and white. Even a “funny” meme coin like Dogecoin can spark serious discussions about its value and future potential. It is therefore important to always do your own research and think critically before investing in cryptocurrencies.

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