European elections: “The brown wave has not swept over Parliament”

This is an image that speaks more than a thousand words. On the home page of Politico, reference media on European issues, an infographic makes it possible to compare the EU parliament as it was configured before the vote which took place from June 6 to 9, to the new post-election hemicycle. It is clear that the two semi-circles look very similar.

The parliament may have moved slightly to the right, but the same colors still dominate: the red of the PSE (the socialists, who lost 2 deputies compared to 5 years ago), the blue of the EPP (center right, which won 9 seats) and the yellow of Renew Europe (the liberals of which Renaissancewho lost 22 seats).

Three groups which formed the majority coalition in the European Parliament during the outgoing legislature will probably continue to do so in the new Assembly, even if they have overall lost 25 deputies and their margin on the absolute majority is now 41 deputies .

18% of the hemicycle for the far right

If the PPE, PSE, Renew coalition should hold, it is above all, as summarized The evening from Brusselsbecause “the brown wave has not swept over the European Parliament”. Indeed, if on the eve of the election we feared a global triumph of the sovereignists likely to change the balance inside the Strasbourg hemicycle, ultimately, “the extreme right has had mixed fortunes in Europe, underlines the Belgian daily. It is largely dominant in

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