Europeans. After having had the wind in its sails for a long time, the Nordic far right suffers a setback

Until June 9, the Nordic far right enjoyed good momentum, both in the last national elections and in the European elections. But Sunday’s vote put a sharp halt to the progress of the Sweden Democrats and the Finns Party.

“Election night was unusual for a man who went from success to success” throughout his two decades at the head of the Sweden Democrats, observes in Stockholm the daily Dagens Nyheter about Jimmie Akesson. This is in fact the first time that his party has not progressed in an election compared to the previous ballot of this kind.

A “reradicalized” party

With 13.2% of the vote, the kingdom’s large far-right party lost two points compared to the 2019 European elections. And did significantly worse than in the last legislative elections, where it finished in second position (20.5%). , in 2022). For Aftonbladet, Sweden Democrats “have become re-radicalized” after a period of normalization. And this newspaper close to the social-democratic opposition (coming first on Sunday, with 24.9%) to mention the “openly racist campaign, built on the theory of the great replacement” led by the extreme right.

According to Dagens Nyheterhis allusions to a possible exit of the kingdom from the European Union (EU) “attracted fewer people than expected”. According to an exit poll,

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