In Burkina Faso, investigative journalist Atiana Serge Oulon in turn kidnapped

“It was a commando of around ten people who arrived aboard a minibus and a Toyota vehicle to pick up the journalist,” sketch The Paalga Observerwhich traces the circumstances of the kidnapping of Atiana Serge Oulon, publishing director of the investigative newspaper The Event. A simple sentence with a sledgehammer effect.

This Monday, around 5 a.m., a prominent journalist was picked up from his home by men from the National Intelligence Agency (ANR). The institution is customary because: kidnappings of citizens have become legion in the Burkina Faso of Ibrahim Traoré, in power since the coup d’état of September 30, 2022. But this is the first time that a journalist has been caught in the net of the sinister squadrons of the security apparatus.

“They (…) kidnapped him in front of his family members and took him to a previously unknown destination”continue the professional media organizations, in a communication

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