In France, the far right is much more than a party

Almost every day, the polls paint the same dismaying picture: in France, the far-right lists bring together nearly 40% of voting intentions, while the Macronists no longer have any credit and the left-wing parties remain divided . At 28 years old, Jordan Bardella, head of the National Rally (RN) list, parades on television sets and in his regional tours as if victory was assured.

Bardella and his party comrades do not need to tire themselves out campaigning to appear as the winners of the June 9 elections. Others do it for themselves by presenting all their opponents as the big losers of the election. Several studies show that, since the 2017 presidential election, the number of supporters of the formation of Marine Le Pen increased further. Most do not necessarily have the same interests and demands, but they share certain fears. These are mainly populations from rural and agricultural environments, a good number are also former right-wing voters and there are an increasing number of young people between 18 and 25 years old. Long considered taboo and contained by an impenetrable sanitary cordon, far-right ideas have spread throughout French society.

Gramsci’s “Cultural Hegemony”

Most French people no longer consider the RN as a threat to democracy. We have become accustomed to this supposedly respectable right. By repeating that she was neither extreme nor racist, Marine Le Pen ended up making voters believe it. In reality, however, his party defends fundamentally ultranationalist proposals,

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