In France, the National Rally triumphs in the European elections

For Emmanuel Macron, “cantor of federalism who promised the French after his accession to power in 2017 that they would no longer have any reason to vote RN”a victory for the far right in the European elections would make “humiliation”, warned the British daily The Times, on June 7. Sunday, the humiliation, “severe punishment”, adds El Paístook place.

The party led by Jordan Bardella, also head of the list, clearly won the European election with 31.5% of the votes, according to estimates from the Ipsos institute published shortly before 8 p.m. “It’s a triumph for the far right, underlines the Swiss daily The weather. No list has managed to reach 29% in France since 1984 and the 43% of Simone Veil’s list.”

Behind, “the list of the Macronist camp” of Valérie Hayer (15.2%) would narrowly supplant the PS-Place Publique list of “the social democratic intellectual” Raphaël Glucksmann (14%). Followed by LFI (8.7%) and Les Républicains (7.2%). The Ecologists would plummet to around the eligibility threshold set at 5%, five years after a historic result (13.48%), hot on the heels of “the zemmourists” of Reconquest, “which demonstrate, if we add their score to that of the RN, the weight of the extreme right in France”.

“The political landscape has changed radically since 2019, when the truant climate movement led by Greta Thunberg put climate change on everyone’s minds, advances the British newspaper The Guardian to try to explain the decline of the Greens in France and elsewhere on the continent. Political scientists see this less as a rebellion against environmental policies and more as evidence that the climate issue has been eclipsed by other issues in the eyes of voters.”

Jordan Bardella, for his part, signs a tour de force at the end of a campaign “where he made no mistakes, never lost his calm and managed to exploit the tool of social networks to increase his popularity among young people”, note The Times, in London. To the point of giving him ideas before 2027? “Some of his supporters would like to see him dismiss Marine Le Pen, slides the conservative daily. But others before him have tried to loosen the grip of the Le Pen dynasty on the French populist right. All ended up exiled.”

Sunday evening, Jordan Bardella did not wait to make the date. Noting the large victory of his party, the 28-year-old political leader called for the organization of new legislative elections.

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