In Ghent, Greek tragedies in the open air and in the early morning

For eight weeks, Ghent is “a modern Athens”, tell Trouw. Since 1er May, and until June 23, the All Greeks festival takes over another district of this northern Belgian city every week to perform Greek tragedies. “The performances are free, specifies the Dutch daily, and above all: they take place in the early hours, the earliest beginning at 5:30 a.m. Art first, work then: this is the philosophy of Milo Rau, creator of the festival and (former) artistic director of the theater Ghent NTGent.”

“Why do we only go to the theater after a day of work, when we are exhausted?” asks the Swiss director. The idea for this festival, which is in its second edition, came to him a few years ago, while he was walking in a Parisian park. “Suddenly, I saw actors performing a play Shakespeare among the trees. I stopped to look, and other people did the same,” he explains to Trouw.

“It was a unique experience. For the first time in my life, I understood every word,” he continues.

“This experience continued to resonate with me all day: the simple beauty of a classic played for people who happened to be there, for simple passers-by.”

The entanglement between theater and public debate

Beyond the cultural event, “Rau hopes to make All Greeks a social experience, explains the Belgian daily De Tijd. He intends to spark debate and bring city dwellers closer to each other.” In association

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