In Italy, a new hope on the left after the European elections?

The first lesson from the European elections in Italy is clear: Giorgia Meloni won. The second is just as positive for the Prime Minister: the three parties which form her coalition have generally improved their score. The government, and this is one of the exceptions on a European scale, is therefore satisfied with this electoral ordeal, and yet the opposition also claims victory. How is it possible ?

To understand this, we need to look at the scores more closely and, above all, compare them to the last national election, the legislative elections of September 2022who brought Giorgia Meloni to power.

In relation to this election, detailed He Post, “the Prime Minister’s Fratelli d’Italia party gained almost three points, with 28.77%, against 25.98%”, but the Democratic Party (PD, center left) did even better, going from 19.7% to 24.5%. Almost 5% more, and that’s not all.

The PD also increased its number of votes in absolute terms compared to the legislative elections, going from

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