Joe Biden attacks illegal immigration by limiting the right to asylum

President Joe Biden must sign this June 4 at the White House “in the presence of several mayors from South Texas”, an executive order authorizing him to temporarily close the border between the United States and Mexico when the influx of migrants is too great, reports the New York Times.

These restrictions would come into force as soon as the number of illegal border crossings exceeds 2,500 per day, or “With daily totals already exceeding that figure, Joe Biden’s executive order could go into effect immediately,” explains everyday life.

THE Washington Post underlinesfor its part, that when the border is thus closed “Migrants will be returned to their countries or to Mexico and will not be able to file an asylum application in the United States.”

The border will be reopened to asylum seekers if the number of illegal crossings remains below 1,500 people for a certain period of time, continues the New York Times, who believes that “This executive order will be the most restrictive action taken by Joe Biden or any other Democratic president in the modern era.”

What’s more, this measure echoes certain anti-immigration executive orders taken by President Donald Trump, notably the measure taken in 2018 which toughened asylum conditions for illegal immigrants. A measure which was immediately attacked by the Democrats and whose application had been blocked by the federal courts, recalls the New York daily.

Joe Bien’s decree could also be challenged in court, analyzes the New York Times. But the current tenant of the White House and candidate for re-election is subject to “intense political pressure to tackle the issue of illegal immigration”, which remains one of the major concerns of American voters in the run-up to the presidential election on November 5.

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