Live. The results of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections commented on by the foreign press

Earthquake in France. According to polling institutes’ estimates, the RN and its allies would have obtained between 33.2 and 33.5% of the votes on June 30 in first round of the 2024 legislative elections, followed by the New Popular Front (NFP, 28.1% to 28.5%) and Emmanuel Macron’s camp (21% to 22.1%). Thirty-nine candidates from the RN – including Marine Le Pen – and thirty-two from the NFP were elected in the first round.

This RN victory in the first round of legislative elections augurs a week under high tension: while left called on its third-placed candidates to block the far right by withdrawing, presidential majority hesitates over the attitude to adopt towards the La France Insoumise candidates, and the republican front appears more fragile than ever.

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8:42 a.m. – Seen from Germany – Macron, this “offended and rebellious child” responsible for the crisis

“Is France falling?” anticipated Der Spiegel in its June 29 issue, on the eve of the election. The magazine castigates Macron, “an offended and rebellious child” without whom “this political crisis would not have hit the country”. In Berlin, adds Der Spiegel, “Olaf Scholz is worried about the outcome of the elections in France. French entrepreneurs fear negative consequences anyway, but many do not say so out loud.”

The same observation was made by the British weekly. The Economistwhich described, also on June 29, a central block “doomed to fall” in France due to “headbutt” from Emmanuel Macron:

8:39 a.m. – Seen from Belgium – Macron, the sprinkler watered

“Macron’s crazy bet backfires,” title in one From Standard. His side “suffers a heavy defeat, although he is doing better than in the European elections three weeks ago,” notes the leading Flemish daily. “This new defeat is certainly weaker than expected, but that does not make it any less painful. The French people have made it clear that they did not appreciate the president’s gamble of calling new elections by trying to take his opponents by surprise.”

8:36 a.m. – Seen from Germany – The Republicans, “kingmakers”?

“The CDU/CSU’s sister party, the Republicans (LR), founded by Nicolas Sarkozy, could prove to be the kingmaker,” notices the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The daily adds that before the result of June 30 “There was already speculation in Paris that Bellamy might become Minister of Education in a Republican government. RN. The president of LR, Ciotti, is considered the future Minister of the Interior”. He finally considers“in almost ten minutes, (Jean-Luc Mélenchon) not only spoke longer than the leaders of the other parties, but he also posed as a statesman in the face of the strengthened RN.”

8:33 a.m. – Seen from Spain – “Unity against the extreme right”

In his editorial, El País estimated that “Unity against the extreme right” East “clearly the only possible strategy for all those who reject a possible Le Pen government”. The daily explains that “Mélenchon, with his permanent agitation, his destructive opposition and his ambiguities on issues like anti-Semitism, has scared away the moderate voter”and “The challenge of preventing the far right from gaining power requires centrists and moderate conservatives to put aside their differences and support whoever can beat the far right, wherever they come from. come”.

8:32 a.m. – Seen from Singapore – France “condemned to years of political instability”

The day after the early elections, The Straits Times evoked “a scathing personal defeat” for President Emmanuel Macron. His bet, underlines the largest daily newspaper in Singapore, “was unnecessarily risky” And “backfired spectacularly”. “In a week, Mr. Macron will be faced with the unenviable choice of handing over government to a far-right party or cobbling together a coalition with members of the radical left whose economic program recalls France’s failed policies in the 1960s.” Whatever the scenario, move forward The Straits Times, “France is now condemned to years of political instability”.

8:30 a.m. – Seen from Switzerland – “The page of macronism is turning”

In an editorial titled “The humiliating failure of Macron’s bet”, there Geneva Tribune estimated that the date of June 30 “already marks a definitive break in the epic of President Emmanuel Macron”. This “humiliating defeat“don’t leave him powerless”but it places him in the position of a weakened, isolated president without posterity. Even in his own camp, the succession is now open, he is no longer the boss of what was the presidential majority, the page of Macronism is turning.

Unknown element

08:27 a.m. – Seen from Algeria – Everything will be decided in the second round

THE “French political soap opera”, begun with the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, has not yet seen its epilogue on June 30, affirms All about Algeria (TSA). For the Algerian site, This saga may only be beginning, given the results of the first round. “The end risks being a France led by the extreme right or an ungovernable France and a situation open to all scenarios”, still indicates TSA, who addresses them successively. But, he immediately qualifies, taking into account the French single-member two-round vote, the results of this June 30 “mean nothing for the control of the government, as it is the number of seats won that counts and not the rate of votes obtained”. Everything will therefore be decided in the second round. In any case, while waiting for July 7, “Never in the history of the French Republic has the extreme right been brought so close to power by a popular vote.”

08:25 – Seen from Spain – These French are crazy!

Obelix appears both sad and stunned in one from the Spanish daily Diari of Tarragona, this Monday July 1, 2024. “These French people are crazy,” headlines the newspaper based in Tarragona, Catalonia. The day after the first round of early legislative elections in France, the political panorama seems “in favor of Marine Le Pen’s party,” the National Rally (extreme right), “which obtained a historic result (33.15% of votes cast), with a record voter turnout (66.7%)”, synthesize the Diary in its pages.

Unknown element

08:25 a.m. – Welcome to this live

The results of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections, and the reactions to the domination of the National Rally, commented on by the international press.

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