Rob Brezsny’s horoscope – Week of June 6 to 12, 2024


The planet Jupiter will settle for a few months in your house of exchanges, communication and knowledge. This passage offers you a great opportunity to develop your potential, but in f

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Since 1969, singer Willie Nelson, an iconic figure in country music, has given more than 10,000 concerts with his favorite guitar, which he named Trigger. Although it is all dented

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In the middle of the Gulf of Guinea lies an imaginary island called Null Island. A meteorological buoy, which geographers call “the buoy of the soul”, is permanently moored there. She mat

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In my early youth, I was hired as a concierge at the India Joze restaurant in Santa Cruz. I did what I could, but I had no experience in the trade, I was incapable of repairing

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Over the coming months, two courses of action will be available to you. They will be as promising as each other, but you will have to choose the one that seems the most fun and the most interesting to you.

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Don’t be surprised if, over the next twelve months, I seem a little tyrannical in my injunctions, Virgo. I will encourage you to redefine and boost your ambitions. I will urge you to dream more

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Their fourth child was only 3 months old when Rachel Denning and her husband sold all their possessions to embark on a wandering life. Since then, they have continued to travel and have had three

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Among the first Europeans to settle in South America were Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity by the Inquisition. Centuries later

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By allowing yourself to be carried passively by the course of events, you risk absorbing both regressive and creative forces. But since you read this oracle, you are warned: to you

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2024 US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently confided that a parasitic worm once ate away part of his brain, damaging his memory and abilities.

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The word “amateur”, derived from the Latin verb amare (“to love”), designates a person who cultivates and seeks for pure pleasure sporting, artistic, intellectual or recreational activities, without hope

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It seems that in the coming weeks, one of your flaws will mysteriously fade away. This defect, which you carried like a ball and chain, will at the same time lose its capacity to cause harm. You neutralize it

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