The “nuclear option”: can Hungary lose its European voting rights?

In 2018, in response to Hungary’s anti-democratic excesses, the European Parliament triggered the procedure under Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) which could deprive a Member State of its right to vote in Brussels. At the dawn of the Hungarian presidency of the EU, the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, whose country will hand over the presidency to Budapest on 1er July, spoke In Politico, in an article published on Sunday June 2. She summoned the Twenty-Seven to bring the process to fruition given the numerous Magyar obstructions.

Often nicknamed “nuclear option”, this sanction “taken against a country accused of infringing the fundamental values ​​of the Union” East “also supported by Austria”, noted, specifying that the procedure provided for in Article 7 “got bogged down” since its adoption.

“We expect the 27 Member States to fully respect the principles of the Union. This is particularly true for the upcoming presidency of the Union,” justified a spokesperson for the ministry

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