Truce in Gaza: Hamas has everything to gain from accepting Biden’s proposal

The American President, Joe Biden, presented, Friday May 31, a new three-step plan to end the warincluding a ceasefire, the release of those detained (on both sides, whether hostages or prisoners) and the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.

Claiming that he was only taking over an Israeli project, he urged Hamas and (Israeli Prime Minister) Benjamin Netanyahu to accept it.

Hamas issued a statement saying it was considering “positively any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, the return of displaced people and a serious prisoner exchange agreement”. The plan is in fact consistent with previous plans to which he had given his agreement.

On the other hand, the Israeli Prime Minister hastened to refute the authorship of this planinsisting that he opposed any idea of ​​an end to the war in Gaza s

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Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London)

“Arab Jerusalem” is one of the pan-Arab daily newspapers published in London. However, unlike his colleagues Al-Hayat And Asharq Al-Awsat, it is not owned by Saudi capital.

He covers the Palestinian question extensively. With its sometimes willingly virulent tone, Al-Quds Al-Arabi undoubtedly sticks more to the feeling of what is commonly called the “Arab street” than many of his colleagues. It was the only pan-Arab daily to defend Saddam Hussein’s regime.

The website offers the full content of the paper version in formats HTML And PDF, supplemented by dispatches. There is also access to the archives which allows you to consult almost all the issues published since 1998 and to download the articles in PDF.

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