“Under the reign of Don Netanyahu, Israel has gone completely off the rails”

Investigation published this week both by the British newspaper The Guardianthe Israeli site +972 Magazine and its sister site Local Call gives an image of Israel that is reminiscent of Cosa Nostra. A state whose intelligence agencies have been transformed into Don Netanyahu’s hounds.

According to the investigation, former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, acting as an unofficial envoy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, allegedly led an operation intended to suspend an investigation into Israel by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, by attempting to threaten and blackmail the chief prosecutor of the ICC at the time, Fatou Bensouda.

Yossi Cohen allegedly contacted her personally several times between 2017 and 2020, sending her threatening messages in order to dissuade her from carrying out investigations into Israel. According to the investigation, he would have exercised several

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Ha’Aretz (Tel Aviv)

The first newspaper published in Hebrew under the British mandate, in 1919, “Le Pays” is the newspaper of reference among Israeli politicians and intellectuals.

Today located on the center left, Ha’Aretz has always cultivated a liberal editorial line independent of the labor movement (which has long had its own daily newspapers) and even more so from the nationalist right. The sobriety of its layout serves an editorial policy centered on analysis and debate. Its sabbatical edition is enhanced with two essential political and cultural supplements.

The Hebrew site offers the entire printed edition of the daily, supplemented with its own sections (flash messages, thematic files, etc.). Less extensive, the English site also reproduces the English printed edition, also augmented with its own sections.

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