Campuses mobilized for Gaza: beware of conservative backlash

Today, everyone agrees that the times we are living through resemble a turning point, if only because of the return of war to the center of the world stage. We are witnessing a rupture, a change of phase. In this context, seeing the student movement which is shaking the West, from Columbia University in New York to Sciences Po Paris, some have made a justified parallel with 1968. As at the time with Vietnam, an international event merges with a wave of youth rebellion against the way the world is going: capitalism, consumerism, militarism…

Gaza has something to do with it, but that doesn’t explain everything. Apologizing for a video in which he proclaimed that “Zionists must die”, comparing them to “white supremacists” Americans, Khymani James, one of the leaders of the Columbia movement, admitted: “I had some unfortunate words, but I felt bad. A group on the Internet targeted me, apparently because I am queer and black.” The case demonstrates very well the intertwining of racial tensions and civil rights with the events shaking the rest of the world. Everything that is

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Corriere della Sera (Milan)

Founded in 1876, the first Italian daily newspaper always mentions “della sera” (“evening”) in its title, although it has been released in the morning for over a century. Serious and sober, the newspaper was able to weather political vicissitudes while maintaining its independence.
From his birth, the Corriere asserted itself as the spokesperson for the industrial bourgeoisie of the North. Its format, very large for a modern daily life, contributes to this image of seriousness and tradition. It belongs to RCS Mediagroup, bought in 2016 by businessman Urbano Cairo, who also owns the La7 channel.
Like other Italian national newspapers, its distribution has seen a sharp decline in recent years, but he remains at the top of the ranking.
The journal is accompanied by a multitude of supplements including Sette (Friday), Io Donna (feminine of Saturday) and The Letter (Sunday).

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