Éric Ciotti wants an alliance with the RN, LR executives demand his resignation

“The traditional French right explodes in the recomposition caused by dissolution”, title The weather in Switzerland Tuesday June 11. While Marine Le Pen And Jordan Bardella called to “rally”, “the president of the Republicans (LR), Éric Ciotti, announced this Tuesday at midday that he accepted this outstretched hand and that‘an alliance’ was to see the light of day between the traditional right party (…) and the Lepenist party”.

“Earlier, many party leaders and all LR senators had made it known that they were keen on their independence, continues the Swiss newspaper. It is therefore towards a tearing of this camp that we are heading. The LR president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, has already assured that he would never endorse an agreement with the RN and requested the resignation of Éric Ciotti, just like the boss of the LR deputies, Olivier Marleix. Bruno Retailleau, president of the Les Républicains au Sénate group, also expressed his “anger” against Eric Ciotti.

For many party leaders, underlines El País in Spain, “allying with the RN is a betrayal of its principles. Twenty-two years ago, President Jacques Chirac refused to debate on television with Jean-Marie Le Pen (between the two rounds of the presidential election of April 2002); now his heirs are seeking a coalition with his daughter.”

“LR (…) claims to be part of the heritage of Gaullism. The RN is the heir of an old ultra party founded by people who fought de Gaulle and sometimes collaborated with Nazi Germany.”

“Meloni Coalition”

For La Repubblica, in Italya “coalition Meloniseems to be taking shape in France. “The construction of a union of rights on the Italian model of the ‘Meloni coalition’, desired by the National Rally, is starting”, explains the Roman daily. By emphasizing that Jordan Bardella, who “imposed a change of strategy” to his party, “look towards Italy” and its President of the Council.

As correspondent Anais Ginori observes, “the urgency of a conquest of power, which has never seemed so close (…), suddenly makes old rivalries and even family quarrels obsolete”, as illustrated by the negotiations between Marion Maréchal and the RN. On Tuesday, the first nevertheless made it known that the RN refused the “very principle of an agreement”.

“The agreement with the Republicans arrived even before that with Reconquest”, writes the transalpine newspaper. And the impetus doesn’t just come from the top. “Certain right-wing deputies have opened discussions, worried about being swept away by the Lepenist cyclone at the polls.”

“The initiative of the president of LR, Éric Ciotti, however, tears the formation apart, with some of the senators inviting him to resign, and irritates within the government, precise La Repubblica : For the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin (ex-member of LR), this decision is ‘a shame’.”

(Article updated June 11 at 4:30 p.m.)

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