France: how Emmanuel Macron resolved to dissolve the Assembly

A bolt from the blue. Followed, within the hour, by a huge drama. The triumph of the far right barely known, Emmanuel Macron addressed the country this Sunday evening. The president uttered words that have not been heard in France since Jacques Chirac in 1997: “I have decided to dissolve the National Assembly.”

The elections will take place tomorrow or almost. The first round of legislative elections is scheduled for June 30. The second will take place on July 7. Three weeks to campaign! And a ballot organized twenty days before Paris hosts the Olympic Games. An international competition placed under the highest surveillance given the security risks.

Until then, Emmanuel Macron had nevertheless announced that he would not draw any national lessons from the election. Nothing constitutionally obliged him to do so. But the scale of the historic defeat led the Élysée to take the initiative. A crazy bet: dribble the National Rally by outpacing it. Because the far right may have won almost 40% this Sunday evening if we add up the scores of the RN and Reconquête, the party of Éric Zemmour, one thing is to achieve a triumph in an election proportional to one round, another is to win a legislative election by majority vote in two rounds. It is no longer one, but 577 elections that

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The evening (Brussels)

Launched in 1887, The evening is with La Libre Belgique, one of the two leading daily newspapers in French-speaking Belgium. Rich in supplements and a pioneer on the web, it has nevertheless seen its sales erode significantly over the years. The general daily newspaper positions itself as politically neutral – even if it is the natural defender of French-speakers established in the Flemish periphery of Brussels.

The evening is published by the Rossel group which, founded by Émile Rossel, still belongs to his heirs, the Hurbain family. Rossel holds several regional titles in Wallonia (brought together under the Sudpresse banner) as well as a majority stake in the group’s titles The voice of the North, in the north of France. Since July 1996, we find on the site of Evening the daily edition as well as a substantial part of the newspaper’s archives. Very responsive to current events, the site has a large subscriber area.

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