IAEA resolution against Tehran: a desire to influence the presidential election?

The resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), tabled by France, Germany and Great Britain, of symbolic significance at this stage, aims to increase pressure on Iran, which has strongly restricted its cooperation with the UN body, in particular by reducing inspections on its nuclear sites. Iran must “return the withdrawal of accreditation” from some of the most experienced IAEA inspectors and reconnect “without delay” surveillance cameras, insists the text.

Iran, which promised to retaliate, considered this initiative “unreasonable”, warning against a “destructive effect” on the diplomatic process. For the conservative press, the IAEA resolution aims to influence internal politics at a time when Iran is preparing to elect a new president at the end of June, after the unexpected death ofEbrahim Raïssi.

So, the newspaper Javan, close to the Revolutionary Guards, the regime’s ideological army, accused European countries for wanting to support reformers and moderates, known for their open policy towards the West:

“Europe is embarking on the presidential campaign to help a particular faction.”

“The West wants to impose new sanctions on Iran and thus influence the electorate and the direction of votes towards candidates favorable to negotiations,” notes the newspaper for its part Kayhan, which calls on the Islamic Republic to retaliate by expelling from the country “all IAEA inspectors”.

Washington does not want to cut ties

Former diplomat Reza Farajirad said, in an interview with lejournal Hammihan, that the Europeans “are unhappy with their lack of participation in the negotiations” indirect relations between Iran and the United States. Tehran and Washington, which do not maintain diplomatic relations, have been holding indirect discussions in Oman for months, particularly on regional issues.

“As the elections in the United States approach, the Americans do not want the diplomatic channel with Iran to be cut, indicates the Iranian diplomat. They are worried about the repercussions of regional tensions on the elections,” while Europeans do not have “such concerns”.

“Tensions have risen on Lebanon’s southern front, and the United States is trying to prevent a war (between Israel and the Hezbollah) to preserve (indirect) negotiations with Iran”, confides Mr. Farajirad.

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