Opposed to the discharge of Fukushima wastewater, a Chinese vandalizes a Japanese shrine

This is a case that says a lot about relations between Japan and China: tense on a diplomatic level while remaining important on an economic level. In recent days, a video filmed on the site of the Yasukuni Shinto shrine in downtown Tokyo by a Chinese man has sparked a lot of reactions, both in China and Japan. According to the channel Nippon TV, who was able to question the latter, he stayed in Japan between May 29 and 31, posted a video online where we see him writing, using a red spray, toilet on a stone column on the site, then urinate on it.

To the channel’s journalist, he explains this act by his indignation against the spill of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea by the Japanese government, which aroused strong opposition from the Chinese government in August 2023.

“I could no longer contain my angerhe blurted. There is no point in staying at home writing comments on social media. (…) Since Japan pollutes the sea which belongs to everyone

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