In the United Kingdom, Brexit disappeared in the legislative campaign

“Who here remembers Brexit?” The question full of irony launched by The Independent spread in the British press. Debated relentlessly, tormented in every direction, savored to the point of hunger over the last eight years, the subject has disappeared from the radar. No one, with a few exceptions, has dared to address the issue of divorce from the EU and its consequences since the start of the legislative campaign. “The word Brexit is the big absentee from this election”, summary The Guardian.

“During the 2019 legislative elections, which we admit today seem to belong to another era, it was only a question of the divorce of the United Kingdom from the European Union”, trace the online diary The Independent. The chief Brexiteer and leader of the Conservatives, Boris Johnson, then bet on voters’ exasperation in the face of endless negotiations with Brussels. His slogan : “We will get Brexit done!” A successful approach: the Tories had won a resounding victory then sealed exit from the EU six weeks later.

Just the end of a chapter. Eleven-month long transition period, break up for good early 2021, gradual implementation of customs controlsstormy negotiations about the Northern Irish border : the crazy saga of “B-word” continued to dominate the news for a long time. “So why this silence

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