Joe Biden “cannot lead a country like this”

Against a blue background, a walker appears in the foreground, decorated with a detail that cannot be overlooked: the presidential emblem of the United States. The title is just as explicit: “You can’t run a country like that.” The message that he wants to convey The Economist Its first page is clear: the current occupant of the White House must give up running for a second term. And the editorial that accompanies the front page The liberal magazine doesn’t beat around the bush: “Why Biden Must Step Down,” can be read at the top of the article.

The first answer to this question is obvious: like all the media, the British weekly has noticed that “The presidential debate was terrible for Joe Biden: it was pure agony to watch a disoriented old man struggle to remember words and facts”. The effects of this are already clearly visible: “New polls have found that voters in states that Mr. Biden is expected to win have changed their minds about him,” warns the London newspaper.

“A form of blackmail”

The Economist also proves the wary American citizens right, with a vitriolic attack: “Can you trust the nuclear codes to someone who can’t finish a sentence about the American health insurance system?” castigates the editorial.

Obviously, continues the English-language media, Donald Trump is not cut out to be president, “but using the threat of a ‘dictator’ to compensate for Mr Biden’s obvious infirmity is a form of blackmail.” This is why the latter must give up his place to another Democratic candidate, “who will necessarily have a better chance of winning”.

After The New York Times, Another major English-language media outlet is also asking Biden to step back. Pressures which, at the time of writing, have not had the desired effect.

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