Mexico furious after Biden decree against migrants “worthy of the Trump era”

The executive order of US President Joe Biden, which drastically limits the right to asylum migrants crossing the border with Mexico came into force on Wednesday June 5. South of the Río Grande, reactions are very critical. Especially since this decree was signed barely two days after the triumphant election of Claudia Sheinbaum, who would become the 1er October, the day of her inauguration, the first Mexican president.

The conservative daily El Universal comments : “The tightening of Biden’s migration policy is certainly an electoral logic before the November presidential election, but it is also a signal sent by the Oval Office to the first president who will govern Mexico” :

“Washington is trying to test the next president’s ability to respond.”

The decree provides for the expulsion of illegal migrants to Mexico as soon as their number reaches 2,500 per day – a figure which is currently well exceeded. It therefore arises

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