Russia. “47 years forever”: the memory of Alexeï Navalny honored on his birthday

Tuesday June 4, the most famous Russian opponent, who died in prison on February 16, would have been 48 years old. The opportunity for loved ones and supporters toAlexei Navalny to evoke his memory in different places in the world and even in Russia, where they had to play cat and mouse with the police, visibly eager to pass this date silent. “From now on you will be 47 forever”, we read everywhere on the Russian Web, notes the television channel Current Timewhich broadcasts from Prague.

In Moscow, the only place of contemplation tolerated by the authorities was the small Borissov cemetery, in the south-eastern suburbs of Moscow, where the politician has been resting since 1er March. A religious service took place there and, from the morning onwards, men and women continued to flock there, wrote on June 4 the Russian-language service of the BBC. They brought flowers, portraits and A4 sheets with famous quotes from the opponent, such as “do not be afraid”, “don’t let your guard down”.

Also present, Alexeï Navalny’s mother and his wife, Yulia Navalnaïa,

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