Populists will win “in Europe and here”, promises Steve Bannon before entering prison

“I spent my twenties on a military ship. If I have to go to prison at the age of 70, I will continue to fight. My message will only be stronger.”

While he will spend four months behind bars for his refusal to appear before a congressional committee, Steve Bannon seems more sure of himself than ever. Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, who reported to the federal prison in Connecticut where he is due to serve his sentence this Monday 1er July, has no doubts about the future of his political movement: “We will win. We are making progress in Europe. We are making progress here,” he declares to the columnist of New York Times David Brooks.

Podcast Host War Room, which he describes as “the headquarters of a populist revolt”, This influential figure of the “alt-right American pays great attention to the successes of the European extreme right, especially in France. “I spend at least 20% of the time talking about branches

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