Sending Mirage to Ukraine: Macron “does not want to have his arm shaking” in the face of Putin

“We can count on your support, on your weapons (…) I am certain that one day Ukraine will be able to see in its sky planes such as we saw them yesterday in the sky of Normandy”, launched Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday June 7 from the perch of the National Assembly.

On an official visit to France after attending the landing commemorations the day before, the Ukrainian president wanted to thank his hosts for their support in the war between him and Russia. And the reference to planes was not insignificant.

On Thursday June 6, during an interview broadcast on TF1 and France 2, Emmanuel Macron announced his intention to deliver several Mirage 2000 fighters to Ukraine and to take charge of pilot training. If he did not want to specify how many planes would be sent, this decision constitutes “a considerable increase in the direct military aid his country provides to kyiv”, estimates the Brussels site Politico.

Between two ringings of the bells of the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen (Calvados), where the interview took place, the French president was

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