Slovakia. Attack on Robert Fico: what we know about the suspect, with the “lone wolf” profile

Wednesday May 15, Robert Fico, pro-Russian Prime Minister of Slovakia, leaves a government meeting in the small town of Handlova. A man stalks him in the crowd then shoots him five times. The 59-year-old leader collapses and is rushed to hospital for surgery – he is now out of danger.

Immediately, the Prime Minister’s security service disarms and pins the person suspected of having opened fire to the ground. Juraj Cintula will be indicted for “attempted murder” the day after. A profile on which still hovers “many unknowns”, For the spanish newspaper El País. He is described as a “lone wolf” by Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok, quoted by the german weekly Die Zeit.

What is certain is that “this man who notably worked as a security guard in a shopping center, thanks to which he held a permit to carry

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