The United States could alone negotiate the release of American hostages from Hamas

“Representatives of the Biden administration have raised the possibility of negotiating an agreement with Hamas to obtain the release of five Americans held hostage in Gaza, if the talks in which Israel is involved for a ceasefire fire were to fail”, writes the American channel NBC News on his site. If such negotiations were to take place, they would be conducted under the patronage of Qatar and would not include the Jewish state.

A hypothesis which comes two days after the liberation, in an operation carried out by the IDF, of four Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas during October 7 attacks. This raid undertaken in the Nusseirat camp, in the center of the Gaza Strip, caused the death of at least 274 Palestinians, provoking numerous outraged reactions within the international community.

According to sources interviewed by NBC, Washington hopes to recover alive five American hostages kidnapped on October 7 as well as the bodies of three others, killed the same day but whose remains would have been transported to Gaza by the Islamist group.

Putting pressure on Netanyahu

If nothing has filtered out on what the United States could put in the balance to free its nationals, “Hamas could find some advantage in negotiating alone with Washington: thus, relations between Israel and the United States would be put to the test a little more, and internal political pressures would further increase on (…) Benjamin Netanyahunotes NBC.

A way to put pressure on the Israeli Prime Minister. Netanyahu just saw Benny Gantz, former chief of staff and centrist minister, slam the door of his government. Moreover, his conduct of the war increasingly displeased Washington.

On June 10, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Egypt where he met with the president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. “He was also due to see senior Israeli officials, Washington having requested a UN Security Council vote on their draft resolution for a truce in Gaza”, reports The New York Times.

The White House declined to comment on the information published by NBC.

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