War. Israel in the dock for treatment of Gazans detained at Sde Teiman

“The men sat in rows with their hands tied and blindfolded, unable to see the Israeli soldiers watching them on the other side of the fence. They could not speak – only whisper – and were forbidden to get up or sleep without permission. (…) Everyone was cut off from the outside world, deprived for weeks of any contact with a lawyer or relatives.”

Thus opens the investigation of New York Times on the Sde Teiman military base, in southern Israel, transformed into a huge detention center since the start of the operation in the Gaza Strip. The newspaper American was allowed to see part of the camp, previously closed to the media, where Israel is accused of seriously mistreating Palestinian prisoners.

Three Israeli whistleblowers notably described to CNN the conditions of detention in this base, where they worked. Associations appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court following these revelations, published in May. And, on Wednesday June 5, during the very first hearing on the subject before the Supreme Court, the Jewish state announced that it had started transferring most of the detainees to two military prisons.

“In limbo”

“Most of the Gazans taken prisoner since the start of the war, the October 7were taken to this site for initial interrogation, according to the Israeli army,” explain The New York Times.

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