“Patriots for Europe”, Orban’s bet against isolation

“Patriots for Europe”. On June 30 in Vienna, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban presented a national-conservative manifesto alongside the ANO party of former Czech populist leader Andrej Babis and the far-right Austrian FPÖ led by Herbert Kickl. Objective: create a group, if possible significant, in the European Parliament, while Orban’s Fidesz party has been sitting among the non-registered since its divorce from the EPP (European People’s Party, right) in March 2021.

“A new era begins”, says Orban, who wants “change European policy” with his new right-wing alliance, reports public broadcaster MTVA. The coalition promises to “give back the future of the continent to Europeans”, “to recover our institutions in order to serve our nations and our people”as well as “highlight sovereignty in the face of federalism, freedom in the face of diktats” And “the peace”, lists Orban.

“New tempo”

“Europe needs change after the failures and corruption cases that have shaken Brussels institutions in recent years,” abounds a political scientist with Mandine. THE parties of the initiative “have experience

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