The New Popular Front second with almost 30%: “Macron underestimated the left”

Given nearly 30% of the votes at the national level, a few points behind the National Rally, the New Popular Front (NFP) becomes “the second political force” from the country, note the spanish daily El Mundo in his liveAnd “holds up well”. “A great performance”, greet the site Politico. “The left appears to be the main bloc facing Marine Le Pen’s RN”, slice El País.

“Macron seems to have underestimated the French left, analysis The Washington Post. Despite its deep divisions, it has managed to come together in a broad alliance, which has overtaken Macron’s allies in the polls and now ranks second.”

The New Popular Front “qualifies for the runoff in many constituencies in big cities and multicultural suburbs, where his support for an independent Palestinian state is popular, underlines The Economist. According to Ipsos calculations, the NFP could win between 125 and 165 seats, which would make it the second largest parliamentary bloc.”

More severe, the editorial of La Libre Belgique emphasizes that if the New Popular Front “managed to resist by mobilizing opponents of the RN. A victory for this left-wing front worries the French more than the prospect of an absolute majority for the RN.”

“Not a single vote for the RN”

On Sunday evening, June 30, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France Insoumise, quickly spoke to congratulate himself on this score, Quoted by Free Belgium : “A massive vote foiled the trap that was set for the country. This vote inflicted a heavy and indisputable defeat on the president, his candidates and the presidential majority.” But this is to better emphasize that the second round will be “of crucial importance” :

“Our instruction is simple, direct and clear: not a single vote for the RN.”

“We have seven days to prevent France from experiencing a catastrophe”, declared for his part the leader of Place publique Raphaël Glucksmann, Quoted by The Republic, confirming the withdrawal of all the NFP candidates who came in third position and could remain in the second round in triangulars.

In Italy, The Foglio takes note of “the creation of a new republican front to block the path of the Le Pen party” noting that the left does it “without directly responding to Macron’s statements”, who on his side called “to a broad, clearly Democratic and Republican gathering for the second round.”

“Certain Macronists had already indicated in previous days that they would withdraw their candidates if the candidate of the New Popular Front compared to that of the RN was socialist, environmentalist or even communist, remember El País, But not if he belonged to the more radical La France insoumise.”

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