Move on! Measures to combat overtourism are everywhere

From Amsterdam to Kyoto, from Everest to Machu Picchu, from the coves of Marseille to the Acropolis, the world is saturated by mass tourism. After the pandemic stopped, it started up again with renewed vigor, to the point that today we are talking about “overtourism”A phenomenon which sometimes fuels a dull anger, as in the Canaries, where, in April, the inhabitants of the Spanish archipelago cried out their fed-upness, even if many live off this windfall.

So how can we reinvent tourism? Everywhere, states and residents are mobilizing to supervise and regulate it, as shown by the examples listed on this map. At Mount Fuji in Japan, they cap the number of visitors and charge an entrance fee. In Greece, a new law requires that no deckchairs be installed on at least 70% of the surface area of ​​the beaches. At Machu Picchu, in Peru, the visit to the Inca citadel is timed. In Bora Bora, in Polynesia, cruise ships with more than 3,500 passengers have no longer been authorized since 2022. In Dubrovnik, in Croatia, the authorities are asking tourists to no longer roll their suitcases down the cobbled streets…

This map offers a journey into this new tourist situation.

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