Labour wins ‘landfall’ in UK general election

Keir Starmer “is set to become the most powerful British prime minister since Tony Blair”facing conservatives “wiped out in the bloodbath of elections”notes the European edition of Politico.

Although the 61-year-old former lawyer, with his often austere style, was not exempt from criticism during the campaign, this “didn’t seem to matter” when putting the ballot into the ballot box: “Simply not being a conservative seemed to be enough for many voters”the site judges.

In fact, if the projections are confirmed – 410 seats out of 650 in the House of Commons for Labour, 131 for the Tories – “It would be the worst defeat for the Conservatives in the party’s nearly 200-year history, a defeat that would raise existential questions about its future.”, Write the New York Times.

Small consolation for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who precipitated the collapse of his camp by calling these early elections: he managed to keep his seat as MP in the county of North Yorkshire.

“Time to act”

Mr Starmer, meanwhile, waited until his re-election in his north London constituency was confirmed before addressing his supporters, reports the BBC in his live. “Change starts now” And “The time has come for us to act”he said in particular.

“The exact extent of the victory remains to be determined.”, nuance however The weather. “Exit polls are traditionally unreliable in the UK – on the evening of the Brexit referendum, for example, the Remain camp was predicted to win. But the scale of the score is such that the final result is hardly in doubt.”.

As the final results were published overnight, the heavy trend nevertheless seemed to be confirmed: “Tory seats across Britain are falling like dominoes to Labour”, writes the tabloid The Sunwho had called for a vote for Labor.

For The CountryMr Starmer “will have obtained this Thursday what he has insistently demanded during six weeks of campaigning: a majority comfortable enough to be able to put into practice the change promised on the posters and in the election speeches.”

“Iron discipline”

But he won’t have an easy time of it, warns The Guardian. Certainly, the Labor leader has demonstrated that he has “iron discipline, fierce determination and political skills”. But “Unlike the last Labour leader to win an election, Tony Blair, Starmer will inherit a fragile economy, strained public finances, a climate emergency and crumbling public services.”.

THE Financial Times gauge as for him Labour’s victory in international terms, and believes that this result “capital for Britain will have an echo around the world: power in the United Kingdom is returning to the fold of a centre-left internationalist party at a time when right-wing populists are gaining ground in many countries”particularly in France, Italy and Germany.

But Britain is not immune to the rise of the far right. The figures for both major parties were such “earthquake”that he has “It took a while before I looked at the little ones”, REMARK The Times.

Among these, the 13 seats of the anti-immigration and anti-system Reform UK party of Nigel Farage, which is doing much better than expected. “The Army” Farage – elected for the first time – arrives in Parliament “and it promises to be eventful”writes the daily.

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