Legislative elections in France: facing the RN, politicians are looking for a “culture of compromise”

Since 2021, our German neighbors have been governed by a so-called “traffic light” coalition, bringing together the socialists of the SPD (whose color is red), the liberals of the FDP (in yellow) and the Greens. Nothing very original in a country accustomed to political compromises. A possible scenario in France?

While the probability of seeing the National Rally (RN) obtain an absolute majority – set at 289 seats – at the Palais Bourbon seems to be fading in the face of the increase in withdrawals – more than 220 – to form a republican front, the idea of ​​a large multi-coloured coalition, ranging from the New Popular Front (NFP) to certain members of the Republicans, “is increasingly making headway”, note the spanish newspaper The Country. “A novelty in the country”, REMARK the German weekly The Mirror.

The hypothesis was born on Monday 1er July, the day after the first round of legislative elections, when Prime Minister Gabriel Attalopened the door to the possibility of“a plural Assembly, with different political forces”, which could outdo the RN in the chamber. An idea approved by the boss of the ecologists, Marine Tondelierwho declared on Tuesday July 2

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